Sunday, November 30, 2008

Thanksgiving in the Keys

HAPPY THANKSGIVING! The 3 of us (LP, JP & BP) spent the weekend in Key West with friends. We stayed in a 10 person house one block from Duval Street. We had a great time renting scooters, going to the beach, and catching amazing sunsets. We got to show off our new shirts one night and BP got Daddy a Thanksgiving gift!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

10 Little Fingers & 10 Little Toes

Baby Peterson is 18 weeks and 3 days! Today we had an anatomy ultrasound. Lee came with me. I love when he comes because he asks 100 questions! We got to see the heart, kidneys, brain, fingers, and .... NOPE - no "gender specific" parts! The technician said she could tell the sex but Big Daddy didn't want to know (until we got into the parking lot and he asked if we should go back and ask.) What a guy! BP was being difficult too just like Big Daddy. BP would not turn towards us. We were told that our baby is positioned further back right now and that is why I'm not showing too much yet. I've received some very cool maternity clothes from our moms so I am ready with a new wardrobe!! Thanks Mom and Tammy!!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Belly Shot: 4 Months, 3 Days

The baby belly is growing. It seems to stick out more at night. We took this picture at 8 p.m. I haven't dove into the maternity clothes yet but I'm sure it's coming!

We went to the beach Sunday. I don't have many bikini days left! Although a friend of mine believes that the best time to wear a bikini is when you're pregnant!

Big Daddy (as he likes to call himself) wanted in on the "modeling" too! He's doing one of the things I can't do anymore.... suck in my stomach! :-)

Monday, November 10, 2008

Our "alien" baby

BP is 16 weeks and 2 days old. The length is harder to detect; however, the head to the rump is 12 cm so BP is probably around 16 cm long. Grow baby grow! The picture is of BP's face; we love our little alien.

Sunday, November 2, 2008


13 weeks - 8 cm

11 weeks, 4 days - 5.2 cm

9 weeks, 3 days - 2.75 cm

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Hi Friends & Family!

Welcome to Baby Peterson's Blog! We will be referring to our little one as BP throughout the website.... :) I am officially through my first trimester. We are entering week 15. I am feeling great! No morning sickness or nausea, just a little tired. The baby bump arrived last weekend; we kind of think it popped over night! We are looking forward to sharing weekly updates with you! We miss everyone back home so much but our friends in Florida have been very supportive!

BP's First Halloween

Last night Lee and I joined friends at a Halloween celebration in downtown WP. We dressed in 50's apparel. It was a lot of fun.

Lee's dad learning he's going to be a Grandpa!

Lee's Dad was in town so we got to share the news with him in person! We gave him some swimming gear for BP to take back to the lake. Grandpa Peterson was lost for words! Grandma Peterson is listening to the celebration.