Sunday, October 26, 2008

Hi Friends & Family!

Welcome to Baby Peterson's Blog! We will be referring to our little one as BP throughout the website.... :) I am officially through my first trimester. We are entering week 15. I am feeling great! No morning sickness or nausea, just a little tired. The baby bump arrived last weekend; we kind of think it popped over night! We are looking forward to sharing weekly updates with you! We miss everyone back home so much but our friends in Florida have been very supportive!

BP's First Halloween

Last night Lee and I joined friends at a Halloween celebration in downtown WP. We dressed in 50's apparel. It was a lot of fun.

Lee's dad learning he's going to be a Grandpa!

Lee's Dad was in town so we got to share the news with him in person! We gave him some swimming gear for BP to take back to the lake. Grandpa Peterson was lost for words! Grandma Peterson is listening to the celebration.