Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Mr. Smiles

Happy Memorial Day!

Saturday we celebrated Little Dave's b-day. Braxton wasn't very cooperative so we didn't get any photos. Sunday was spent at Billie's. Braxton slept most of the time we were there. Everybody wanted to hold him!

Billie always gets Braxton to sleep!

2 Baths in 2 Hours!

Braxton was a little constipated so a glycerin tablet was needed. The tablet worked so 2 baths were needed too!!
Splish, Splash!

Bath #2

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

One Month Appointment

We had our 4 week apt. yesterday.
Braxton weighs 8lbs, 4oz an is 21 3/4 inches in length.



Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Braxton bought Daddy three tickets to the Marlins game for his birthday. He can't wait to go to the games with him. Braxton spent the day shopping with Regina and mom.
I think he liked it (don't tell Dad!)

After taking Daddy to the baseball game, the "Daves" spent some time with Braxton!
Big Dave & Little Dave have definitely got the touch!

More Visitors!

It was great to see our friends, Jason & Grethel who recently moved back to Miami!

I'm kind of a BIG deal!

My first day at school!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Mommy's New Man

Daddy didn't like the onsie from Reg as much as Mommy did!


Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Braxton is already the BMOC (big man on campus!)

Billie & Bart brought us dinner and dessert on Friday. We welcome them anytime because everytime Billie visits, Braxton sleeps.
He's a Natural!
It was so nice for Brooke to visit; thanks for the book and soap!

Ashley and Steve visited for a few hours before Ashley's surprise birthday party! Wish we could have been there Ash!

1st Mother's Day

Braxton got Mommy a beautiful bouquet of flowers and a balloon for Mother's Day! We took Braxton to his first lunch out (mom's too since getting out of the hospital).

Braxton was giving Daddy kisses!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Thanks Uncle Josh & Aunt Wendy for the cool swing. I'm "learning" to like it!

Regina visits frequently to keep Mommy sane! Thanks for the monkey outfit! Braxton has a cute tush like his daddy! :-)

I can't decide if I like this thing in my mouth.

Chilin with Mom!

Nap time!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

The last couple of weeks have been a rollercoaster! We welcomed Braxton Lee to our family on Tuesday, April 21st! He is so perfect and we love him so much! 14 days after my "botched" epidural, I am finally starting to feel better. I debated back and forth whether or not to get the epidural and I wish I would have decided against it because when the Dr. was trying to give it to me, he "missed" and an air sack formed. I was informed that this happens to 2% of patients. I should have known that as soon as I heard him apologizing something was up. After 45 minutes of the worst pain, I was told that I would be getting a very intense headache and that the epideral would not be given. Within minutes, the headache came. By the time he left the room, I was 9 cm and pushing soon after so fortunately, I did not have to endure the headache and the pain of a natural childbirth at the same time for too long.

I felt well the first night but by the next day, I could barely lift my head or get out of bed. On Wednesday evening, I received a blood patch in my spine. They took blood from my arm and tried to fill the hole that was created in my spine. I instantly felt some relief but by the next morning, I was in a lot of pain again. We went home Thursday afternoon and I was unable to even leave the bed. Friday, Lee and my mom took me to the emergency room. Lee had to basically carry me into the hospital. After receiving fluids and a catscan, I learned that the "hole" was still open and Lee and I chose not to receive another blood patch. Friday evening I went home and was on bedrest for a week. I do not know how I would have made it through the week without Lee and our moms! Lee was amazing! I have no neck or back pain and the headache is no longer unbearable. (My eyes are still bloodshot though which is quite the sight.) I really appreciate all of the support we received from friends and family. It was all worth it because Braxton is an angel!

Baby Braxton

Braxton loves to lay on his tummy!
Family Photo!

Grandma Peterson's first look at her first grandchild! Tammy flew in for 5 days. We wish those grandparents lived closer!!

Saturday, May 2, 2009