Thursday, November 26, 2009



Potatoes, Squah & Turkey!

Mommy made her first Thanksgiving feast!

Mommy bought this bib (I'm thankful for my daddy) last year for Daddy!

This was the night I didn't feel good. I had 2 teeth come in. I had a fever and my mouth hurt really bad!

Daddy wanted to take me to kill the turkey in my camouflage; mommy said NO WAY!

Giggle, giggle!

Smile for the camera!

I like to sit in my toy box!

What do you want? I'm watching Baby Einstein!

Sleeping on Deirdre, the best nanny ever!

Deirdre and I have lots of fun!

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Impressive meal!

He keeps getting cuter and cuter. I can hardly stand it!