Monday, August 24, 2009

What's Going On?!

I can't believe it has been a month since I have updated the blog. I really took for granted the extra hands we had this summer. It was so great to spend the summer with the grandparents. It was hard to leave! The last month has been a month of adjustments for all three of us. Braxton is still trying to get back into a routine. Lee & I have already started back to school. It's one of the hardest things I've had to do. I miss Braxton so much! We have been very lucky to have our friend Nicole watch Braxton for the last couple of weeks. We have 2 more weeks to find a permanent nanny. With 61 applicants, I hope there is one out there that will be the perfect fit. Braxton is getting so big. He's semi rolling, trying to hold his own bottle, laughing like a grown man, trying to sit up any time he's in his bouncy seat or car seat, and grabbing everything! He loves being outside, swimming, baths (really anything do to with water), the mirror, and his baby bjorn (thanks Josh & Wendy). We have been house hunting as well. We put our first offer in this weekend but were outbid! The search continues! I have a ton more pictures to post but I haven't downloaded them yet. I hope you enjoy those that I have.


Reg said...

Yay for the update!

Anonymous said...

I get to watch this little nugget every day.....Yayyyy!!! :)