Sunday, January 25, 2009

27 Weeks

Oops, I did not realize I was blending into the background until posting this. There's no hiding the belly these days. I'm officially out of my "regular" dress pants. Well, for over 6 months, I've been telling you I feel great! Well, I unfortunately cannot say that at the moment. I still have not experienced nausea or sickness. However, a couple of weeks ago I thought I pulled a muscle in my lower back. It worsened and the pain started shooting down my leg. I called the Dr. and after a visit, learned that the pain is from my sciatic nerve. As your baby grows, your uterus may press on the sciatic nerve, which connects your legs to your spinal cord. Sciatica is a sharp or aching pain that usually starts in the lower back or buttock and sometimes seems to shoot down the back of the leg to the calf or heel. Needless to say, it's been quite a nuisance and has really halted those nightly walks Lee and I were taking. Lee told Baby Petey he was in timeout. His movements are getting more forceful these days. It's so cool and surreal.


Grandma Welsh said...

Hi Mommy and Daddy Peterson!
Thanks for updating with another picture of our little grandson. . . well, kind of. I hope he moves off that nerve soon. That is no fun! You still don't look too pregnant dear daughter! We probably won't be saying that in another month! :) Wish we were closer. We love you all!! Love, Mom and Dad. . . a.k.a
Grandma and Grandpa!

Reg said...

Another great picture! I hope you feel better soon, Jord...I know how you love your walks! Maybe Dave can persuade "Bay-Bay" to move with some candy :)

Jenna said...

Jordan you are looking better than ever! Pregnancy really suites you! Hope you are feeling better...but you know what dad would have told us when we were young..suck it up! haha, jk. i think he stopped saying that after he told you that after you broke three of your fingers! anyway, i can't wait until this little guy gets here! love you guys!